Power Monitoring Dashboard

Knowing exactly where the power is out after a wind storm - before students and staff arrive - allows administrators to keep students home, saving money and eliminating the hassle of cancelling school once everyone has already shown up.

Integration with InfoCentre-McKinstry's issue management platform has allowed districts to alert local utilities to problem areas before staff arrive, saving them the trouble of manually reporting the problem areas. Administrators have also been able to cancel school when the power is partially offline, saving staff the trouble of investigating why only one-third of the lights are on. Solving this loss-of-phase problem has prevented both parent frustration and unnecessary staff wage costs.

McKinstry servers then push the outage information to a web dashboard - visible to the district - and automatically generates an InfoCentre work order via email. This work order will direct InfoCentre personnel to perform double-checks of the school's power status, and if the school is confirmed to be offline, they will alert district administrators.

District administrators then have the option to cancel or delay school. They can also independently check the power monitoring information via their web dashboard.

Once power is restored, the Power Monitoring system notes the status change, and a similar set of alerts and updates are pushed through both the dashboard and InfoCentre.

Contact us at PowerMonitoring@McKinstry.com if you have any questions or concerns.

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